Monday, February 9, 2015

Open Blog - Monday

Just regift it to someone else.


  1. following a crazy productive weekend, I crashed early and actually woke up feeling rested, what a concept!! Long week ahead

  2. Good Morning everyone. If you are going out this morning please be careful I just got back from taking Drew to work and there are some slippery spots on the roads and also some lake effect snow coming down. Try to have a good day!

  3. After a glorious weekend of temps in the high 70's, it's time to go back to work. Another couple of nice days and then back to normal.

    Have a safe one Irregulars.

  4. Cool week here. Right around 70 for a high.

  5. I went home for lunch and what did I see? My neighbor was having his lawn cut. Seriously, it is too early for that. I think the warm weather is getting to people. But by Thursday, back in the 40's again.

  6. 70's in OK and snow in WI. Poor Boston got socked by another snowstorm. 37 inches of snow on the ground.
