Thursday, March 26, 2015

Open Blog - Thursday

Dance on, Snoopy, dance on!


  1. I love baking, cooking and enjoy canning. One thing I hate - dishes and the clean up process... I finally reclaimed, completely, my kitchen. it'll be so nice to come home to a nice, clean house after work!

  2. My house has a nice "lived in look," as my mother would say.

    I've been inundated with paper since my mother-in-law died. I have managed to finally contain it somewhat.

    Have a great day to all of our regular irregulars.

  3. Storms are gone, cool air is in. Have a good one everyone.

  4. OKIE, About those storms. The SUN must have come out EH? If you blow away, I will NEVER forgive you.

  5. Okie, glad to see you checked in with us. I was a bit worried.

  6. Toad, the sun came out 10 minutes after I posted and we knew there could be trouble.
    I will say this, if I lived in Moore, I would consider moving. They have been hit too many times.
    There is a video posted on kfor of some guys driving into it. A lot of language but good viewing of what it's like to be in one. I was also impressed how they immediately pulled over and helped someone.
    First spring storms churn out tornadoes; I hope it's not a sign.

  7. OKIE, NO MOORE in more way than one. Actually I was totally unaware until I turned the computer on this morning. How that happened I don't know? I am certainly happy your just fine though.

  8. I wonder if any of you remember the tornado that hit Barneveld, WI? My husband and I drove through Barneveld about a month later on our way somewhere. It broke my heart.

    After Hurricane Charley hit Port Charlotte, I refused to go over the bridge to Punta Gorda because of the devastation...when we finally did our walk over the bridge several months later, there were still huge piles of debris. So sad.

  9. You can't mess with Mother Nature - just protect yourself.

    Happy Thursday.

  10. I went fishing up in Adams 2 weeks after the tornado went through there. they had been working around the clock cleaning up trees in the road and such and it looked as if they hadn't done a thing.

    amazing the damage wind can do.
