Saturday, April 18, 2015

"Genius Sets Rental Car On Fire After Trying To Kill Bed Bugs With Alcohol"

By PhilHaney  on Break:
"It’s safe to say that Scott Kemery is not getting back the deposit for his rental car. What is not safe is Kemery’s ideas on how you should exterminate bed bugs from said rental car. This past Tuesday the Long Island man was traveling in Eastport, New York when he noticed that his rental was infested with bed bugs. Gross!

Everyone enjoyed watching the great bed bug hunt.

"Faced with the creepy crawlers, instead of returning the car and demanding a bed bug free vehicle or risking a few bite, Kemery later told police that he knew of a brilliant method to rid the car of critters; someone had told him that dousing bed bugs with rubbing alcohol does the trick. So Kemery bought a container of rubbing alcohol, pulled into a shopping center parking lot and saturated the inside of the car with the liquid. Bet those car seats were good and squishy. Squish!

What was happening in the back seat of that car that it had bed bugs in it?

"After all of that hard work it was time for a smoke break! So while sitting inside the car he lit up a cigarette. Darwin strikes again. A fireball engulfed the car, setting it ablaze in addition to the two cars next to it. Kaboom!

"Luckily Kemery was able to escape the vehicle, but suffered first and second degree burns all over his body. He is currently at the hospital and police have not yet charged him with any crimes; I think living with his stupidity is punishment enough. The good news is I think he killed all of the bed bugs in the car.

"Another view of the fire:"

Follow Phil Haney on Twitter @PhilHaney
Source: ABC 7

As some of you may know, I had bed bugs a little over a year ago.  I heartily endorse this method of bed bug eradication.  The only good bed bug is a dead bed bug or a crispy critter.


  1. that guy is lucky he survived, wow!

  2. Beejay, Not really. Orb's was close to that. Sorry Orb's to remind you of that wonderful time. Still think you should have sued that jerk.

  3. Another reason not to rent cars.

    Really, the bed bug removal here has been the top of my experiences with this place. The new owners are putting a ton of money into the place, but at the same time they opened the place up to everybody and now we see more and more trash tenants everyday.

    I loved my old place, but the building was infested. You don't know how many times a day I think of the old place. I don't like living out here.

  4. In fact, a friend told me of an apartment available on South Main in the 900 block, with offstreet parking. I livd on the 800 and 1000 blocks. But I'm locked into a lease here and have no money to move, anyway.

  5. Lighting the cigarette was the stupid part. Sort of the guy at the gas station with a cigarette in his mouth, while filling his tank.

    I knew a woman years ago, who spilled charcoal lighter and proceeded to light up. She went up in flames. She lived, but had to wear pressure bandages on both arms and legs for years and years.

    That, Toad, is where the stupidity comes in.

  6. Bedbugs can be anywhere. Schools, theaters, rental cars, even the best hotels. The makers of insect doom need to find a chemical that will kill them... without killing us. It is just a matter of time before this hits the hot button news again. It is not when, but if, I fear that it will come to us all.
