Sunday, May 24, 2015

Charlie and Me


kkdither said...

Love the home movies. Charlie is looking mighty well cared for. We should get him a Mr. Clean Eraser sponge so he could really go to town on the surface dirt. :)

Toad said...

I think he Is trying to move the little patterns on the Formica table top?

OKIE said...

Oh I just love this. Thanks Orbs and Charlie.

OrbsCorbs said...

Toad: Charlie washes windows

In the new place, he also does it to the front of the oven. But the best is when you put a plastic bucket on its side on the floor. Charlie goes into the bucket head first and furiously "digs" with his forepaws. He will do this for minutes at a time.

I figure it's some sort of neurosis, or his way of working off stress. His first year of life was spent with a woman who was eventually institutionalized in Mendota or Winnebago or one of the other loony bins. So I cut him slack.

He still won't allow me to carry him and seems to prefer women to men.

lizardmom said...

Charlie's a cutie!