Friday, June 12, 2015

Open Blog - Friday

It's a good day for a swim.


  1. my days are all jumbled up, I was off Monday, our Wednesday meeting was on Tuesday, I don't know which end is up, geesh...

  2. the condo fell thru for the froggy pair :( hopefully they will find something soon, this one would have been really nice

  3. Getting set for a nice weekend, I hope. Have a good one!

  4. Woke up and the sun was shining. Put my makeup on, dried my hair and the sun was still shining. Went to feed the dog and it was pouring rain. Strange. Radar didn't show anything except out to the west. Even took the hubby by surprise as he had just been outside. No complaints as it has been in the 90's so this is a nice relief.

    Sorry about the condo LM.

    It's FRIDAY!!!!! Have a great day Irregulars.

  5. KK, Was that Helen Reddy that sang that song. I am human?

  6. KK, NO, It was " I am WOMAN" Oh, Oh, I alway's liked that song.

  7. Sorry about the condo deal, LM.

    I don't feel human.
