Hello everyone and welcome back! Wow! It's Friday already?! Time flies I guess.... Anyways, your questions....
1) What is your favorite kind of fireworks?
2) What is your favorite part of the parade?
3) Would you rather take a walk in a meadow or in the woods?
4) How many keys are on your key chain?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
1. Not the firecrackers or cherry bombs. That big rain fall one is nice.
2. No parade here.
3. Our woods open onto a meadow. Both are equally beautiful.
4. Four.
Have a great weekend.
1) I like the pretty ones with the different colors and shapes.
2) I like everything in the parade but I think it is more for the children than the adults.
3) I like both of them.
4) about 8.
Have a great weekend everyone.
1. Professional firworks over Lake Michigan.
2. The Military floats of course.
3. In a Meadow. Would you rather walk to work, or carry your lunch?
4. I'm a few short. LOL, actually perhaps 8
1. I like the ones that span out and give bright colors.
2. I love everything about the Racine parade.
3. Meadow.
4. Eight. One of which I have no idea what it is for. And I have a Packer Ring given to me by a nice Irregular.
Thanks Drew!
1. the big, round, full, bright colored ones, especially if it's by a neighbor and I'm not in the middle of a big crowd, don't like crowds!
2. I love the military and municipal (police and fire) at the beginning, despite the loudness. The military floats are tied with them. (the best part was watching from home!)
3. hmmm, mosquitos or ticks? I can choose being by the lake instead? :)
4. depends on which set of keys, work has 9, my regular set has 8, plus a reversible screw driver, nail clipper, safety pin, and knife. I'd make a mighty fine girl scout, tho they just call me 'mom' at work :)
1. I like the ones that make you go, "Ohhhh," without even trying.
2. The classics: Kilties, Iwo Jima Float, Calliope, Tiny Masonic Cars and more.
3. I'm a sissy girl. I prefer to walk on a walkway or established path though the woods. I don't like spiders and snakes.
4. 2 on my personal key chain, 4 on my work lanyard.
Have a great weekend, Irregulars. Drew and THB, be safe on your journey.
KK, I had a spider on my side mirror on the car, and couldn't open the window for fear It would enter. It had two white spots on It's back, and looked bad to me. As fast as I drove, It wouldn't fall off, so I drove into a driveway for a rummage sale, and the guy was standing by my window, and I pointed at It, and he just picked It off, and stomped on It. NO, I didn't buy anything.
1) I like all fireworks.
2) The Pre-Parade with all the sirens and emergency vehicles.
3) Woods. More interesting.
4) 10 on the regular ring and 3 on the truck ring.
Thanks drew. I hope your drive is safe and you have fun with the grand kids.
How about 4 on Tuesday, I'm behind a little....SER
1) What is your favorite kind of fireworks?
The big balls
2) What is your favorite part of the parade?
Not a parade goer but the beginning with the fire trucks
3) Would you rather take a walk in a meadow or in the woods?
4) How many keys are on your key chain?
too many 6
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