Friday, July 24, 2015

Open Blog - Friday

You heard him.


  1. another sleepless night... my brain refuses to shut off, grr

  2. Such a pretty pussy cat in the image. And I'll admit it, when the cat's face is on the monitor, I rub noses with it. I do that almost always to the animal pictures I encounter online. (I mean cats and dogs and such. I don't rub noses with Teenage Mutant Ninjas or most farm animals.)

  3. SER - Normally I would want to slap you for that comment but this week did go by pretty quick.

    It's FRIDAY!!! Another steamy one here. I have to admit when I got home from the grocery store last night it was pretty toasty while unloading. I was drenched in sweat. I made a comment about it to the lawn guy and he just looked at me. Then we both laughed. Poor guy is out all day in this 98 (105 heat index) weather.

    Have a wonderful day Irregulars.

  4. Have you ever noticed that when you order something on line, your credit card gets hit right away. But if you return something, it takes forever to get the credit?

    So far I have paid a certain store $159 for sandals. The first went back because the heel came off. But I did get the second pair at a great sale price. Or maybe I didn't........

  5. I've noticed that every time I see orbs, he rubs noses with me. hehehe.

    Happy Friday, all! When you aren't working, the days are pretty much all the same. Looked at the calendar in my email and that is about to change... all too soon!

  6. VACATION I'm on vacation. Yee haw

  7. I love the weekends even though my weeks are pretty much whatever I want. I usually plan a day or two for 'book work." Beyond that, I kick back.
