Thursday, September 3, 2015

Open Blog - Thursday

What a lovely couple.


  1. Another warm and muggy one. Okie, please tell us the end of the heat and humidity is coming. You seem to be a day or so ahead of what we get.

  2. Thanks to Lizardmom for giving me a ride to my mechanic's place two days in a row.

    Nice and cool now. In the 60's.

  3. We are in the "Ground Hog" scenerio. For 4 days and nights it's been 66 and 93. Warm but doable.

    KK I would venture to tell you to enjoy these days because pretty soon our teeth will be chattering.

    The humidity isn't too bad - 53%.

  4. Oh, and you can thank Lizardmom for the following year's JTI domain registration.

  5. Thank you, Liz for the 2016 year(?) I'm always happy to lay a little cash down when my turn comes around. For the small amount for domain name, I more than get my money's worth in a year. This is a great group, worth its weight in gold!

  6. glad I could help, Orbs. Here's to another great year!

  7. I think we've got a wonderful deal. Also, when we began the site, Google was promising that their Google Apps would be free forever. What finally happened is that they started charging people, but only people who registered after a certain date. We get ours for free for life.
