Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Open Blog - Wednesday

Have a good one.


  1. too warm for a good night's sleep, can't wait for the next cool down.
    I got a call from the guy next door, his daughter also lives in our subdivision. The night before, someone tried breaking into their house. we're spreading word around the neighborhood to be vigilant and safe. so much for feeling secure enough to leave the windows open at night.......... jerks........

  2. Yeah, that's one thing I gained by moving here: I'm on the second floor and trust most of the people around here, so I can sleep with open windows. Charlie, of course, loves it.

    Be careful about the potential burglar(s), lizardmom. Get a little canister pf pepper spray/mace.

  3. I'd be wilted without the A/C. Wonder how I survived so many years without it. It was very muggy at work today. Stepping outside afterward, it felt even hotter. Why does summer always have to have one last hurrah the first week of school?

    The number of shootings and murder in Milwaukee is at a record high. It isn't just a perception that crime is worse, nor is it just a local plague. There is no sense of accountability anywhere. There is so much crime, that lesser issues get pushed to the back burner, which reinforces to criminals that they won't get caught, or the penalty will be minor. Tell me again why our legislators have scripted bills to take away the "cool off" waiting period, (Brady bill) when pulling out a gun in retaliation, to commit a crime, or out of anger is becoming common place?
