Sunday, November 15, 2015

"Judge Gerald P. Ptacek - Illuminating Hidden Truths"

From Racine County Corruption:

"Racine County Circuit Court Judge Gerald Ptacek will be our featured public official during the foreseeable future.

"After recently reviewing numerous documents in Judge Ptacek’s court, we have discovered patterns and practices ofalleged judicial impropriety.

"These improprieties include bias, prejudice, blind eyes, deaf ears, court records tampering and possible punitive court rulings by judge Ptacek."

Read more:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Da Judge ruled that John Dickert was acting as Mayor in an official capacity while he was campaigning on WRJN radio...... costing the taxpayers of Racine over $100,000 - some of it hard money, some, as Tom Friedel would say, soft....

It is illegal to campaign while on official business! That's not even open to debate!

SO: Is Judge Gerald Ptacek incompetent or a criminal? Either way he needs to be removed from office - investigated, and tried.

Walker Scandal: Who Got Convicted and Why

When a Wisconsin court released 27,000 pages of emails from a former aide to Gov. Scott Walker, it shone an embarrassing light on the 2016 hopeful.

The investigation – resulting in six convictions – involved embezzlement, money laundering and staffers mixing state business with a campaign effort to get Walker, then a Milwaukee county executive, to the governor’s mansion.

But getting the most attention from this document dump? The derogatory and inappropriate language used in some of the unsealed notes.


Its time for a John Doe in Racine!