From The Journal
"These comments do not advance community dialogue in any positive way. It is reasonable to assume that we would not read these comments if the writers had to sign their name, as with letters to the editor in the print edition. Indeed, the newspaper does not print letters to the editor without first verifying the identity of the letter writer. Why should online posts meet a lower standard as e-readership eclipses print readership?
"A Lee newspaper in Montana recently announced that it will not allow anonymous posts after Jan. 1. The Journal Times should follow the lead of its sister newspaper.
"Mark Hertzberg
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I didn't even know that the Journal Times allowed anonymous commenting again. The censorship suggested by Mr. Hertzberg led to the creation of the JT Irregulars.
"It is reprehensible that The Journal Times continues to allow readers to post comments online anonymously. Many comments are mean and judgmental. In some cases, they are also racist. Some clearly show that the poster did not read the article carefully before hitting the keyboard because he or she is asking questions that were answered in the story.