Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Let's hope I will be able to hear

Today is an important day in my life.  Well, at least, I hope it is.  The first of December, I had cochlear implant surgery.  Since that day, I've been almost totally deaf on my right side.  Today, the implant will be activated.  There is a chance that today I will hear things that I've been missing for over ten years.

Today, I become bionic!

UPDATE:  it's operational. Sounds are mechanical in nature and will settle down over time.  I cannot wear my left hearing aid for at least one month.  This forces me to rely on the right ear.  I can discern speech to a point.  I still need to sort out sounds and that will take time.  However, I could understand people speaking to me.

Time will handle most of these whacky sounds.  Everything we do makes a noise.  Oh, yes....

Now, here is the new advances I saw yesterday.  While I received a hybrid cochlear implant, I met a young man who had an implanted hearing aid that connected to a port behind his ear.  Small in size, maybe half an inch.  Another person had a much smaller implant.  New things are on the horizon in hearing loss technology.  Amazing strides are being taken.  


  1. What? I can say that because I have hearing loss myself. I have to ask why the long wait to activate it. Shows I know nothing about the implants.

    I am so happy for you and let us know how the new world sounds.

  2. Oh I know, have Big D whisper sweet nothings into your new ear. :}

  3. I really hope It worked. BEST to you Beejay.

  4. Hope it didn't cost you Six Million Dollars to become bionic!

  5. Very excited... and nervous for you. Sure hope it brings all that you hope. I understand from children who have this implant, that they have to make adjustments in the beginning to get the best comfort level and sound possible. Fingers crossed, and love sent your way!

  6. I hope a miracle happens for you today, Beejay.

  7. Late to this.. but know that I wish all the best for you!
