Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Open Blog - Tuesday

Have a great day!


  1. Happy First Day of Winter everyone. Although I have to admit, 65 is not a bad temperature for winter. One more day of work and then I am off until Monday. Yee haw.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  2. Stopping in after work to see an Irregular friend. I'll say hi from the rest of you. Too many missing folks out there..... Last day of work and it is packed with meetings, so no time to chit chat. Have a great day, Irregulars.

  3. Thanks KK. Give him a kiss on the cheek for us.

  4. Busy today getting everything ready to go up north tomorrow. I am not going to be able to do Four for Fridays this week I will have it posted next Friday. I am going to post some Christmas pictures tomorrow before we leave. I hope everyone has a great day!

  5. Our special Irregular friend has been out of action for months. Wave your magic wand over him, kk.

  6. He was looking the best I've seen in a long time; however, still not back to normal speed. I waved my wand; I spread some kisses. Hopefully things will turn the corner soon.
