Saturday, December 12, 2015

"Wisconsin roads ranked among the worst nationwide according to a report"

CBS 58

"Wisconsin's roads are the third-worst in the nation and the potholes and other problems that plague them cost drivers in some cities almost twice the national average in repairs and associated costs, according to a new study of the state's highway system.

"The numbers mark a dramatic decline in road quality. As recently as 11 years ago, Wisconsin's roads ranked No. 22 in the nation, and their deterioration affects almost every industry and motorist in the state, according to the study commissioned by the Local Government of Wisconsin Institute.

"Poor roads in the Milwaukee area cost drivers $700 a year in extra vehicle repairs, according to the study; in the Madison area, road conditions cost drivers an additional $615 in annual tire wear, maintenance and accelerated deterioration. Nationally, substandard road conditions cost drivers an average of $377 per year, the study found.

"The primary culprit: State budget cuts that have slashed the amount of money dedicated to repairing both state highways and local roads, which has left fewer than half of Wisconsin's roads rated as "good" or better, the report found."

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  1. I remember crossing the Illinois border years back and being amazed at the poor conditions of their roads. Wisconsin used to be the top of the standard. Our cities and infrastructure are crumbling around us. The top 1% keep adding to their wealth, the middle class keeps working hard and paying taxes, and increasing costs around us and loss of jobs to "tighten the bottom line" of companies propel the poverty, which in turn continues to pull the lower middle class into the depths.

    We are defunding our schools, defunding our cities and cutting the services which make for better, safer, more productive lives. Just take a look at the money we throw at electing corrupt, out of touch politicians who want nothing more than to elevate their power and pad the upper echelon. Makes me sick.

    I believe it was Channel 6, in Milwaukee, that ran a report in light of a recent major train derailment elsewhere where many were displaced from their homes. The reporter was standing under the overhead railroad bridge that crosses Water Street in the 3rd ward. The reporter poked at the steel foundation supporting the bridge and it was crumbling away. They were discussing the flammable and volatile items that cross that bridge and the number of people who live near this rail line. Our priorities are whacked and it is time for better leadership.

  2. There is no doubt that Jim Doyle was one of the worst and corrupt Governors of Wisconsin. He left a legacy of debt and fiscal unsoundness that is still influencing today's events and the condition of Wisconsin's roads.

    Fact check: Dems to blame for abducted transportation funds

    A TV station in Madison, WISC-TV, reported that the administration of Gov. Jim Doyle was spending funds rifled from the state's gas tax on a free fish fry and child care. The state Department of Transportation had used the freebies to attract more people to a public meeting on a Verona Road expansion project.

    That prompted the state Senate Republican leader, Scott Fitzgerald of Juneau, to accuse the Democrats of misspending transportation money on pet projects, which prompted Democratic Senate Majority Leader Russ Decker of Weston to blame the Republicans themselves for repeated transportation fund raids.

    Certainly the transfer over the past seven years of nearly $1.3 billion from the supposedly segregated transportation fund to help balance the state budget has become septic between the two major political parties. The back-and-forth debate last week between Fitzgerald and Decker made the political waters an even murkier place in which to fish for the truth.

    What's less tenebrous is the damage the transfers are doing to the state's economy and fiscal soundness. For example, a recent study by the nonpartisan think tank, the Pew Center on the States, placed Wisconsin in a fiscal situation very nearly as dire as that of California, and ranked the Badger state as one of the 10 worst states budget-wise in the nation, precisely because of fiscal antics such as raiding segregated funds.

    "Often, lawmakers shifted money around, taking money from the state's transportation fund, for example, to pay for day-to-day operations - and then borrowed to cover the transportation budget," the report stated. "Legislators also failed to put money in reserve before the recession hit."

  3. I don't know you guys. I think Oklahoma could give you a run for your money. On some streets, you bounce. Seriously.

    I have heard California has turned itself around money wise. And that with a historic drought going on. They must be doing something right. Maybe their not following the ALEC way like our and your Governors do.

  4. This in-fighting over a letter after someones name has to stop. Chris Abele has a D after his name and he is terrible leader. Walker has an R after his name and he is a dangerous power mongering joke. The new trolly in downtown milwaukee, and the multi billion/trillion dollar sports complex we are funding though taxes for the "haves" in private business, the schools we are shifting our taxes to for private business gain, our money going to others profits is criminal! There is too much money in politics and too many favors being cut because of campaign donation favors being returned.

    When we let ourselves to be manipulated and fight like these are two sports teams - the D's against the R's..., we get distracted and the corruption and corruptors win. It is time to start thinking what we want, where our money really needs to be going, not what we are tricked into becoming consumed with. Wisconsin has more people incarcerated that almost all other states. We have increasing violent crime and no more room to lock people up without additional huge spending, so these violent offenders get little punishment and there is no fear. We are failing on so many levels, because everyone is too busy hoarding a piece of the pie for themselves.
