Saturday, January 16, 2016

"Letter to the Editor: Jon Hansen for Mount Pleasant Village Board"

From Racine County Eye:

By Heather Asiyanbi in Elections, Government · January 14, 2016 · No comments

"My name is Jon Hansen and I am running for Mt. Pleasant Trustee in seat #6. I am seeking office because I care about our community and I want to see it thrive. Mt. Pleasant needs responsive leadership, revitalization efforts and spending priorities. I know that we can build a better future for everyone if we put politics aside and come together in addressing the challenges of our village. You will have the first opportunity to vote for me at the primary election on Tuesday, February 16th.
  • I am a lifelong resident of Racine County and have lived in Mt. Pleasant for 12 years.
  • I have been married to my wife Julie for 17 years and we have a beautiful daughter in grade school.
  • I have dedicated nearly 25 years to serving our community working in law enforcement and public safety with extensive experience in community relations and community issues.
"My vision for Mt. Pleasant is a vibrant, growth-oriented community in which to live, develop and conduct business. I am committed to listening, partnering, empowering and recognizing Mt. Pleasant’s residents and businesses. Our homes and our community are our dearest assets. Your concerns will be mine.

"My opponent, Anna Marie Clausen, has proven to be out of touch with the concerns of residents. Recently, Ms. Clausen publicly stated that Mt. Pleasant residents are not nice enough when voicing their concerns to the board, preferring the demeanor of residents in Caledonia!

"She voted last April to approve six months of severance pay for all village department heads fired (with the exception of just cause) which none of our neighbor municipalities offer. When questioned about it, she misstated her vote, revealing that she did not understand her vote at the time or is attempting to obfuscate the facts now.

"Mt. Pleasant residents deserve better! If elected, I would immediately start addressing and echoing your concerns and the issues that are facing our village.
  • Village transparency and communications must be addressed – Open, honest government.
  • Re-establish the technology committee to inform residents of events, meeting notices, finance reports, live stream committee and board meetings to establish accountability in all areas.
  • Fiscal responsibility with spending priorities.
  • Public safety must be addressed. Reduce response times for Police, Fire and Rescue to residents.
  • Community development and planning – Diligent in attracting new and quality development for a sustainable community.
  • Develop a long term capital improvement and infrastructure plan.
  • Advocate for capital improvement and infrastructure funding by utilizing grant funding from the state and federal government to reduce property tax burdens.
  • Eliminate the six-month severance golden parachute package for village staff.
  • Clearly define administrative powers within the village to insure oversight of decisions that impact residents.
"I am committed to making your voice heard in the Village of Mount Pleasant. I want to play an active role in creating a vibrant, strong community and a safer, better place to raise our families, conduct business and create a sustainable and prosperous community.

"If you share my vision, I urge you to vote for me and help make it happen! Together, we can make a meaningful difference – for our families and our community.

"Thank you for your time and consideration.

"Primary Election: Tuesday, February 16th, 2016

"Spring General Election: Tuesday, April 5th, 2016"

Contact Jon Hansen by email at: or on Facebook at:

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