Thursday, January 21, 2016

Open Blog - Thursday

Is it warming up yet?


  1. lots to do today, company tomorrow, then a nice restful weekend, woo hoo!

  2. !2 degrees did not feel a whole lot better this morning. Someone posted on FB about how many minutes of daylight we've picked up already. Bring it on. January is a long month. I looked for the planet lineup this morning, and only saw the brightest one. I think they get higher as the days pass? I read that Mercury will only be about 3 finger widths from the horizon at its highest point. I'll keep looking up.... in both ways. Working hard on finding some positives lately.

  3. No planets to be seen here as it is a bit foggy outside. Not as cold as you (32) but gloomy. A great day to stay at home. Oh well, work awaits. Did I hear right that we have picked up an extra hour of sun everyday?

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  4. KK, I'm POSITIVE you are a WONDERFUL person. Maybe THREE fingers of wine would be more fun?

  5. Thank you for the kind strokes, Toad. I think you are pretty alright, too. I bought a leinenkugel winter mix shandy box last week when I picked up the Millers. Some interesting beers in there: spiced pear, cocoa berry and my favorite, cranberry ginger. Fun to mix it up a bit. The cocoa berry is supposed to be a mix of chocolate and raspberry. I had one last night... and the jury is still deliberating on the verdict. ;>

  6. I've had a six pack of My Dad's Ginger-ale sitting on the front porch for a week. I don't know what i'm waiting for? It's really good. Much better than the Root Beer. I'm surprised the mail man hasn't had one yet. LOL.
