Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Open Blog - Tuesday

I second that.


lizardmom said...

my mind seems to find 'idle' just fine while I'm awake, but go to bed and it kicks into overdrive :(

Beejay said...

My mind idles out, but reboots in the middle of the night. Grrrr.

kkdither said...

I've been on a bad sleeping kick, too. About 4 hours is all I can manage. Kind of zaps the productivity for the other 20 hours. Oh well, everything ebbs and flows. Not so sure about achieving the "terrific" level, but I'll give it what I've got.

OrbsCorbs said...

I'm up four hours earlier than usual. Hard to sleep because I kept thinking about our friend.

OKIE said...

No problem sleeping here but that being said, I have something going on in my bad ear so I can only hear out of my right ear. Off to the Dr. today and hopefully I won't have to wear an "ear depends" to stop those annoying leaks. Am quite thankful there is no pain involved in this. Do they even make Depends for ears?


OrbsCorbs said...

How about a Drool Cup for your ear?

The Ear Diaper Industry is a multinmillion, multinational corporation.