Thursday, January 14, 2016

"Watercolor Wisconsin 2015 tells many stories"

From The Journal

Graphic illustration by Dan Talsky,; photos by Jon Bolton; paintings, left to right: “Remembering,” by Sue Horton; “Parked,” by Karen Mathis; “Brian,” by Rebecca Venn; and “Saturday Morning Market,” by Carlotta Miller   

Credit - Journal Times
"There was just something about the bounty of colorful flowers and the woman standing among them, turned away from the camera, holding a bouquet up high that caught Carlotta Miller’s attention.

"'It just grabbed me,' Miller said of the scene she photographed one Saturday morning at Kenosha’s HarborMarket.

"The Kenosha artist was so inspired by what she saw that she decided to recreate the scene in watercolors. And when she entered her painting in the Watercolor Wisconsin 2015 show, it was not only juried into the exhibition, but chosen for two awards. Miller’s 'Saturday Morning Market' took the First Award and one of two memorial purchase awards — the Joan M. Spinks Award — in the show, which is on display at the Wustum Museum of Fine Arts, 2519 Northwestern Ave., through April 23.

"Miller said she used a more nontraditional watercolor technique of pouring the color onto the paper to create the desired effect (some brush techniques were also used). She’d begun working with pouring techniques after attending a workshop, and found she liked the element of surprise that pouring color provided. The surprise element is also something she appreciates about her previous work as a printmaker, said the retired art teacher who taught at Kenosha’s Bradford High School and now works in the Racine Business Center’s 16th Street Studios ("

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Go.  It's way cool.


  1. We said we were going, right? Cuz... I am. One way or another. I LOVE this exhibit!

  2. Yeah, I believe you, me and lizardmom agreed to go. If anyone else wants to attend with us, it's OK by me.

  3. You guys decide because my schedule is much more flexible than yours.
