"Lt. Mike Smith has been in Law Enforcement for 16 years and have spent all of those years with the Racine Police Department located in southeast Wisconsin. Lt. Smith stated 'Like all of you have, I have heard of all the tragic stories of those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice and I can’t even imagine the pain of those that have lost someone in their agency.'
"'On September 1st 2015 I walked my two kids to the bus stop on their first day of school. This also was my sons first day of kindergarten. So off the kids go to school and I tell them that I can’t wait to hear about their day when I see them the next morning. That afternoon I go into work and I hear about yet another line of duty death not too far from where I live.'
"He stated that 'I returned home from work that evening and as is the case most nights everyone was in bed. I came across a poem that my son the kindergartner brought home. The teacher had the kids place their hand print on a piece of paper that also had a poem on it. The poem spoke of courage and bravery. I stared at that piece of paper for quite a while as I couldn’t help but think again about the Officer from earlier. What was happening in that house? What were those kids going through? It was at that moment that I decided that I wanted to start Band of Blue. I wanted to bring everyone together to help these children that have lost so much.'
"There are a lot of great organizations that exist to provide support to the affected families. but there is nothing like Band of Blue. Band of Blue is a resource that we can use to impact the lives of the children left behind.
"If an agency suffers a loss and should the Officers from that agency wish to provide an experience for that Officers children, a request would be made to Band of Blue for the funds to make that experience happen. This request could come immediately following the tragic event or maybe 1 year, or even 15 years later.
"Lt. Smith believed in this so much they used their savings and more to pay for the website, marketing and legal work to get the organization off the ground. If you visit the website BAND OF BLUE, this is where experiences that are provided will be shared.
"You will also find a section that asks for donation. The donation function is separated in three parts: civilian, business and law enforcement. Donation will automatically add you to an e-newsletter list and help support children across the U.S."
Read more: http://racineuncovered.org/2016/03/racine-police-lieutenant-starts-band-of-blue-to-help-children-of-fallen-officers/
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