Saturday, April 23, 2016

Open Blog - Weekend

Oh yeah!


  1. Off to watch the boys play soccer. Both are at 9:45. One is on field 14W and the other on 8E.
    This could be interesting.

    Have a good Saturday Irregulars.

  2. sleep is an awesome thing! I could open my eye this morning, big improvement over yesterday. The bright yellow finches have returned, I love watching them!

  3. LM- I had a Starling in my feeder this morning also House Sparrow, Chickadees and Downy Woodpeckers.

    OKIE- Have fun watching both games.

  4. I have many chickadees, they're so adorable, the stark white against black is so striking. I just love them! I haven't seen Mama or Papa C (cardinal) for over a week. They like hanging out here. Hope they return soon!

  5. No birds for me. I'm in my hermetically sealed apartment.

  6. LM- The Cardinals may be nesting with the eggs right now.
