Hello everyone I hope a lot of you will be enjoying your three day weekend. This week really went by fast for me and I can not believe the 4th of July is here. Here are you questions!
1) Do you have any special plans for this weekend?
2) What are your special plans?
3) Do you attend the 4th of July parade?
4) Have you ever shot of any fireworks?
Have a very Happy 4th of July and I hope everyone enjoys there weekend and please be safe!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
1. Yes.
2. Going to the lake with the boys and maybe teaching them to ski.
3. No parade.
4. I just watch fireworks. Too dangerous to shoot.
1) No nothing planned.
2) Nothing
3) I use to but not anymore.
4) I did shoot of fireworks but I just enjoy going to see them now.
Have a great weekend everyone.
1) Tes.
2) Hide.
3) Not anymore.
4) I've never shot off fireworks, per se, but I've lit just about every type of "recreational" explosive. Some were homemade.
Thank you, THB, for the questions. I hope everyone has a great and safe Independence Day.
1) Do you have any special plans for this weekend?
Of course not, just chillin
2) What are your special plans?
Grillin and chillin
3) Do you attend the 4th of July parade?
Of course not, just too many people and why be a target
4) Have you ever shot of any fireworks?
of no, off yes, and have lots of bottle rockets for those pesky neighbor kids
ta ta
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