Racine County Corruption:
at RCC are often moved by the Pro bono publico/politico efforts of citizens in
numerous communities. In the last few months, several fine folks in the St.
Croix County, Wisconsin area sought us out for information and directions on
how to deal with an individual in St. Croix County government. This person recently announced his intentions
to run for the elected post of St. Croix District Attorney. That person
turned out to be former Racine County District Attorney, Governor appointed and
publicly rejected Judge Michael Nieskes.
appears by the amount of correspondence we have received at RCC that Mr. Nieskes has
pissed off a lot of people up in this quaint little town of Hudson, Wi.
"If fact, Mike has pissed off so many people in the Hudson area that we created another blog just for the St. Croix County area.
"Hudson Wisconsin borders the Mississippi river
and the great state of Minnesota.
It is
by Racine standards a quiet community and serves the outlying area with a
county population of just under 90,000.
to our sources in St. Croix County, Mr. Nieskes is using his same old tactics
he used in Racine in an attempt to quite his critics. Several St. Croix area residents have called
upon us to act as the lead nemesis to the candidate Michael Nieskes, and yes we
accepted the challenge.
Michael, once again the game is
You run for office and we work to run you out of office!
So simple isn’t it?
today’s media age, coupled with the internet and bloggers, only a fool and
his foolish followers would believe his checkered history would not follow
him 300 miles up to the community of Hudson, Wisconsin.
"Michael Nieskes's acts of negligence in Racine County is well documented in court records.
"Further his narcissistic ways had created a lot of animosity amongst a good portion of the Racine population.
"And as a former District Attorney and
Judge in Racine County seeking employment, Michael Nieskes's failure to
secure a job in the Racine legal community spoke volumes of his disdain by his own peers.
us point out some facts about Michael Nieskes that the mainstream press leaves
out of publication, starting with the benign to the egregious,
Michael Nieskes is a RINO republican
Talks pro gun but has a history of being subversive to firearm rights.
Has a history of allegedly violating the following:
His oath in office.
Failure to provide equal protection of the law
Selective prosecution
Conspiracy, complicity and collusion against the public
Records tampering
Court records tampering
Court dates tampering
Filing a false affidavit into court records
Michael Nieskes was further the focus of a
complaint filed into the
Wisconsin Attorney General’s office
The complaint contained over 100 pages alleging misconduct in office and
several criminal acts.
Nieskes was also the first recipient of the highly coveted 'Today’s D.A.' Dirty
Rat Award. He is in the good company of Wisconsin’s own sexting D.A., Kenny
Kratz and State of Oregon's D.A. Dan Norris, the D.A. that failed to convene a grand jury and
further abused his powers to sanctioned murder.
"You may read more about his award here:
"Further, Michael Nieskes along with Racine County Sheriff
Schmaling were in charge of the investigation into the death of former Racine County Judge
Barry. Michael Nieskes and Sheriff
Schmaling failed to exercise good judgment by failing to order an autopsy of
the dead judge. This failure left many to speculate as to whether Judge Barry
committed suicide or was murdered. An autopsy would have further cleared the
air as to the allegations as to whether Judge Barry may have been
murdered by a drug dealer, possibly for a past debt. The autopsy could have further
cleared the air to the rumors that Barry was using illegal drugs while in
"So as you can clearly see we have history
with the candidate D.A.. We are happy to aid our fellow citizens in
Hudson Wisconsin to
help remove the current plague from their city. Hudson's very own
flotsam candidate for St. Croix District Attorney, Michael Nieskes.
"We are currently planning an
informational symposium with some concerned St. Croix residents to be
held in the Hudson area. The importance of
electing a District Attorney with high moral character and ethics is
paramount and it will be open to the public. RSVP if you wish @
"Time and date to be announced."