Friday, June 9, 2017

Four for Fridays!

Well the warm weather has finally come and now I hear everyone complaining it is to warm. This weekend it is going to be around 90 degrees so I may finally be putting the a/c on. It has been warm but no need for the a/c with the breeze we have been getting. Here are your questions.

1) What is your favorite wildflower?

2) If you have a favorite type of tree what kind is it?

3) Do you go out to look at the wildflowers?

4) Have you ever taken a picture of the wildflower or tree that you like?

Have a great weekend!


  1. 1) What is your favorite wildflower?

    2) If you have a favorite type of tree what kind is it?
    Eastern Redbud.

    3) Do you go out to look at the wildflowers?
    No, but I should.

    4) Have you ever taken a picture of the wildflower or tree that you like?
    Trees yes, wildflowers no.

    Thank you THB for this week's questions. They're right up my alley

  2. I want my alley back

    !. milkweed flower, it helps bring us another gift of nature to view-the monarch butterfly
    2. In wisconsin, mulberry tree, it can provide you with a month of fresh fruit every year
    3. not specifically, but i do look at them while i am out
    4. of course! even ones i dont like
    Have a great weekend irregulars!
