Friday, July 21, 2017

Four for Fridays!

Hello everyone I hope you had a good week. I am sorry for not posting last week but I would like to send a special thank you to Daddy Orbs for posting Four for Fridays last week for me. You know the people that are there for you when you need them and Daddy Orbs is there for me. Here are your questions for this week.

1) Have you ever had a garage sale?

2) Have you gone to a garage sale in the summer?

3) When you have gone to a garage sale is there something special you are looking for?

4) What is that something special you are looking for at a garage sale?

Have a great weekend!


  1. 1) Have you ever had a garage sale?

    2) Have you gone to a garage sale in the summer?

    3) When you have gone to a garage sale is there something special you are looking for?
    No, I'm just looking for bargains.

    4) What is that something special you are looking for at a garage sale?
    A wife.

    Thank you, THB, for this week's questions. I'll fill in for you anytime.

  2. 1. oh yeah, more than a few.
    2. yes, that's when most of the sales occur
    3. sometimes, but always looking for usable items under the benchmark of 10 cents on the dollar
    4. Have to laugh ay orbs answer on this one, I am always looking for the diamonds in the rough.

    Have a great weekend irregulars!
