Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hi, gang!  How are you doing?  Isn't this great weather?  Soon enough the leaes will drop and then the snow covers everything.  So get out now while you can.  If you can.  I understand that the priorities of life often take first place.  But somewhere in there, there has to be some time for yourself.  And I'm not talking just sleeping.  Science has come to appreciate the those quiet times that help rejuvenate you.  Learn to meditate.  Play catch with the dog.  Take up jogging.  We need to care for ourselves so that we'll be there when others need help.

Mr. OrbsCorbs is "permanently fucked" (his language) because he's lost a part for his truck.  He lost it downstairs in the parking garage.  So how far could've it gone?  Yet three days of looking for it have been fruitless.  The vehicle won't run without it and no one is making the part anymore for a 20 year old vehicle.  I've tried to help him primarily by helping him calm down.  He gets so very upset at whet he sees as the inequalities of life.  I'll pimp his cause here: MISSING: ribbon cable that connects the instrument cluster to the dashboard.  It's only about 6 inches long.  1996 GMC Sonoma (S-10) V-6 automatic  Mr. OrbsCorbs spoke yesterday with the dealership about the part.  They made 6 different set-ups for his truck that year and none of them are in production..  The only way to tell if a vehicle has the matching part is to compare them.  Taking them out properly takes about two hours.  Going at it with a crowbar should reduce times to 30 minutes.  I don't know what else to tell Mr. OrbsCorbs.  He gets so upset when something is wrong with the truck.

It looks like Foxconn is going to play this game until the moment that they are granted some money.  I'm going to do that, too.  My corporation name will be Zoltarconn.  I'll promise 8 billion jobs within a week.  Just give me the "seed" money.  The Japanese won the war.  Ha-ha, what a circus to watch.  No one knows what to do because Foxconn isn't telling us anything.  They're playing us for fools.  They're probably right.

Another drowning in Racine County.  Just 4 years old.  His parents took their eyes off of him "for a second."  That's how long it takes young kids to find trouble.  If you're going to leave your child alone near a body of water, make sure he/she is wearing a life jacket.  Better yet, never leave them alone near water until they learn how to swim.  When I grew up, everyone learned how to swim.  Today, it appears to be a lost art.  How many more children will die before the families, city, county, or schools do something about it?  We might even have some future Olympians.  With all the water around us, it just makes sense to learn to swim.

The city has hired an outside firm to throw our Machinery Row dollars at:

"RACINE — In response to a June determination from the Wisconsin Department of Administration, the city will hire an Elm Grove firm to address relocation concerns regarding former owners and tenants of the Machinery Row properties.

"Before the city’s Finance and Personnel Committee Monday night, Deputy City Attorney Nicole Larsen discussed the city’s choice of Terra Venture Advisors to evaluate and handle claims for relocation assistance first filed by former 615 Marquette St. tenant Patrick Fagan. Larsen said Monday that no claims have been filed directly with the city as of yet.

"Larsen told the committee that while the city doesn’t have a firm estimate on costs for Terra Venture’s work, the price tag could exceed $150,000.

"'We’re going to say it’s about $150,000 for their fees to do the investigation and to find out what owners and tenants were there,' Larsen said. '(They’ll) work with those tenants to gather business information and establish those claims, and then file a relocation plan with the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration.'"

Read more:

Die, Machinery Row, die!

Live, JT Irregulars, live!

Thanks for reading my blog this week.  I love you all.  Be nice to each other.  It doesn't hurt.

Send good vibes to Mr. OrbsCorbs for fixing his truck.  He tried to save a few dollars.  Now he may be bleeding from the nose.  How far can a 6 inch, T-ended ribbon cable jump?  Maybe he had a zombie one and it needed to get out to bite others.

Die, ribbon cable, die!
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