Friday, August 25, 2017

Four for Fridays1

Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed the week. The change in the weather is so crazy lately but I am enjoying having my windows open for a change. Here are your questions.

1) Do you watch and food shows?

2) If you do watch food shows which ones?

3) Who is your favorite food show chef?

4) If the food show you watch came close by you would you try out for the show?

Hope you enjoy the weekend


OrbsCorbs said...

1) Do you watch and food shows?
No. If I did, I'd probably be a hundred pounds fatter.

2) If you do watch food shows which ones?

3) Who is your favorite food show chef?

4) If the food show you watch came close by you would you try out for the show?
No, unless they allow Swanson frozen dinners.

Anonymous said...

1. nope, rarely watch any TV
2. N/A
3. N/A
4. Always look'in for a free meal.

Swanson is a staple in our house, along with Banquet, spagettio's, mac and cheese and tang.

God bless ya'all

legal stranger said...

1. food shows are not part of my routine
2. N/A
3. N/A
4. Sure, if they will cook my meal