Friday, October 20, 2017

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I hope you are enjoying this nice weather we are having. I am enjoying having my windows open and finally being able to air the house out. Here are your questions.

1) Have you been out looking at the trees changing colors?

2) Do you take pictures of the trees changing colors?

3) Which do you like better the Spring time when the buds are coming on the trees or the Fall when the leaves are changing colors?

4) Are you enjoying the nice Fall weather?

Have a nice weekend!


  1. 1) Have you been out looking at the trees changing colors?
    Not really.

    2) Do you take pictures of the trees changing colors?

    3) Which do you like better the Spring time when the buds are coming on the trees or the Fall when the leaves are changing colors?
    Spring. May it always be spring.

    4) Are you enjoying the nice Fall weather?
    Yes. We've been very fortunate with the weather so far this year.

    Thank you for the questions, THB. Have a great weekend.

  2. 1. Yes , it has been a slow change this year
    2. Not this year, haven't seen a "wow" yet
    3. Fall, may it always be fall
    4. Yes, spending a lot of time outside

    Bonus questions;
    Have you found football to be uneventful this year ?
    Do you even care?

  3. Aaron Rodgers breaks the collar bone on his throwing side and may be out for the season, and you call that "uneventful"?

    I know, some nut case has to shoot up a stadium full of people for it to be "eventful."

  4. 1. pretty much every day, but it is really off to a slow start without much color.

    2. Not yet this year, nothing stands out.

    3. When spring has sprung- than its fine, but I am more a fall type guy.

    4. Yes , It has been a great fall in S.E. Wisconsin.

    Bonus question response; I haven't watched an NFL football game on TV for many years, so the answer is I really don't care either way. I have watched a several of High school games this fall. Awesome games!

    Have a great weekend irregulars!!!
