Saturday, March 4, 2017

Friday, March 3, 2017


The transition from Time Warner Cable to Spectrum has not been without bumps. 

Last weekend I had a TWC/Specrtrum technician at my place.  He got my download speeds to the highest I'd ever seen them.  Then he said, "I think you're paying a bit much for what you're getting: "Ultimate" Internet with download speed of 50 mbps and home phone.  I paid $123 a month.  The technician said to call the office and switch to a Spectrum Plan instead of a TWC Plan.  Say what?  Yeah, they may be acting like it's a new dawn, but they're up to some old internet tricks.  The Spectrum Plan, with a download speed of 60 mbps, and home phone is $30 cheaper than what I was paying.  I'm now signed up for $93 a month, with more speed.  When I asked a guy on the phone why they weren't advertising this fact, he chuckled and said, "You know why."

So, I guess expect the worst from Spectrum.  Meanwhile, though, call them up and see if your TWC Plan can be changed to a Spectrum Plan.  It was no big deal for me.  However, the next day my internet speeds were like 9 mbps and 12 mbps.  I called them up and the woman said she was going to reboot my modem.  She did.  Now I get 60 mbps (or more) and I have $30 more dollars per month to throw into the maw of the wolf at the door.

Before this, I had heard only of more money for the same service.  They hiked me $5 per month (not bad).  However, I spoke with a woman at the bank who said her costs went up $30 per month.  Call them up.  See if you can't get some of that knocked down by switching to a Spectrum Plan.  Good luck.         

A Little Visitor!

Last night around 5:30pm while Drew and I were eating dinner we had a little visitor come on our patio. At first Drew thought I was joking around until he got up and look out the patio door and seen we had a skunk on our patio. I told him that the skunk just wanted us to share our dinner with him. Here is the picture.

Four for Fridays!

I can not believe the nice weather we have had and now it is cold again. I would rather the nice warm weather. Here are your questions.

1) Who is ready for Spring to be here already?

2) Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

3) Have you had green beer?

4) If you have had green beer when was the last time?

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my Mentos and Cokes!  How are you?  Have you been hanging onto the wether roller coaster?  I wonder what's going to happen next.  I better ask Madame Zoltar.  Wait, I am Madame Zoltar.  Looks like a slow side downward over the next few days, but then, of course, the temps rise back up.  I wonder if we're going to have a blazing summer due to climate change?  Maybe we'll fry out before then.

Still no word on Sugar, the English bulldog executed by RPD.  I'd hate to think that our police force is as corrupt as our mayor.  A few bad apples, OK.  A barrel ful of rotten apples, not OK.  Let the people know what's happening in the case. My God, everything coming out of City Hall is highly polished horseshit.  We get the lying mayor we deserve.

I'm thinking of revamping my business to accept only the wealthies clients.  Mt. Trump says that I can no longer receive Medicare or Medicaid payments.  Fine.  I can't work for free.  So I'll specialize in those with deep pockets. The poor can go to hell.

I may end up the wealthiest psychic around.  Then we'll see who's boss at the next psychis convention.  High Priestess Ursala can go to hell, too.   I don't care what they do if I'm rich.  I can hire protection.

Send your political contributions to me.  I'm more likely to cause the change you want than any politician. 

Please send your questions to

I love writing my blogs and I hope you enjoy reading them.
Please donate:
If you don't like PayPal, send me a note at and I'll send you my street address so you can send a check or money order.  Thank you.

Open Blog - Wednesday

Spring officially begins in this month.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017

Sunday, February 26, 2017


How many prescription drugs do you take?  I have 13, one being a cream.  I shared with my shrink my concern over taking so many meds.  He said that the average 65 year old has 19 prescriptions.  I find that hard to believe.  I know so many people my age who take no, or a few, medications.  Someone must be taking 40 pills a day to make up for each of these people.  I take all 12 of my meds daily, in varying dosages.  The cream was prescribed because my primary care doctor said I had skin caner running down the middle of my forehead.  He referred me to a dermatologist.  Christ, she was gorgeous, and, of course, had perfect skin.  She froze a spot off the center of my forehead and prescribed the ointment.  I was surprised when she said most of my skin damage was caused by the wind, not the sun.  That means I did my homework right when I went into landscaping.  I wear caps with long bills to help my sight, but they also protect my face.  I always used sun block.  And I'd wear a scarf on my neck to prevent becoming a redneck.

So, how many prescriptions do you take?