Our current leader in the Jaw Up Challenge is a sex fiend from Kentucky:
"Vincent V. Judd-Rapp, 25, whose last known address is in the 8700 block of the Sharon Grove Road in Lewisburg, Kentucky, was found guilty by a jury in December of felony counts of first-degree sexual assault of a children under age 12 and failure to register to the sex offender registry."
I hope that Bubba and his "girlfriends" lower that jaw by about 6 inches. Arrogant piece of shit.
Here's another example of "jaw dropping:"
Isaiah DeGroot is the piece of shit who handed over $3K bond money to get out and fuck up big time. He stole a vehicle. He had a stolen gun. He crashed near Festival Foods He took off the leg of a male pedestrian, and a leg and arm of his female companion, who remains in a coma. DeGroot, of course, ran from the crash.
Look at his mug shit above. In an act of defiance, DeGroot pointed his chin at the booking camera. He is such a tough guy after destroying the lives of others and then running away.
Below is DeGroot's photo after he's been processed:
That defiant chin has dropped considerably.
I think judges should be allowed to consider mug shots in sentencing. Just look at the mug shots of local "bad asses:" their chins are all held high, too high, as of they're proud of what they've done.
You can read about the developing story of Isaiah DeGroot in Racine County Corruption
I suggest that we amputate all of his limbs, without anesthetic, and throw him in the gutter.
good challenge
wonder how high that chin will be when they are butt f#cked in prison by bubba
I'm gonna get arrested and hold my chin so high that all you see are the bottom of my beard and my Adam's apple.
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