Friday, February 23, 2018

Four for Fridays!

Hello everyone I hope you are making it through this crazy weather we have been having. I hear we are suppose to have warm temps this weekend but Saturday night does not look to good that is just over night. Here are your questions.

1) Have you been watching the Olympics?

2) Which Olympics do you prefer to watch the summer or the winter?

3) Do you have a favorite event that you like to watch?

4) Have you ever tried to do any of the Olympic events yourself?

Have a great weekend!


  1. 1) Have you been watching the Olympics?
    No, but I suspect that they've been watching me.

    2) Which Olympics do you prefer to watch the summer or the winter?
    Winter. Less control, crashes more likely.

    3) Do you have a favorite event that you like to watch?
    The commercials?

    4) Have you ever tried to do any of the Olympic events yourself?
    Olympic alcohol consumption.

    Thank you so much for the questions, THB. Do you watch the Olympics?

  2. 1. no, doesn't interest me at all
    2. neither, both are dull.
    3. no, dont watch them, not even the commercials
    4. maybe 40+ or so years ago, but not recently.

    Hey - how about them bears?

  3. 1. oh yes, with the rest of the lowest rated watchers of the olympics yet
    2. Winter are more fun to watch, anything on the slopes are fast and amazing
    3. Down hill slope events
    4. Of course, but at a much slower and safer pace.

    Have a great weekend irregulars

  4. Yes I watch both spring and winter. The Bears are doing alright.

    1. Yes

    2. Both

    3. Not really

    4. no
