Friday, April 20, 2018

Four for Friday!

THB asked me to fill in this week because she's up north with her mom.

1)  Marry for money or marry for love?

2)  Where have all the good times gone?

3)  Were you mommy or daddy's boy or girl?

4)  Can we do anything to save the environment, or is it too far gone already?

I hope everyone has a great weekend.


OrbsCorbs said...

1) Marry for money or marry for love?

2) Where have all the good times gone?
Where are the sixties?

3) Were you mommy or daddy's boy or girl?
Mommy's boy.

4) Can we do anything to save the environment, or is it too far gone already?
I think if we all off ourselves, it would help tremendously.

Thank me for this week's questions.

racinecountycorruption said...

1. Marry both and end the debate
2. The good times rolled away
3. Neither, the neglected middle child
4. Do whatever helps

Thanks Orbs for the questions