Friday, April 6, 2018

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I hope all of you had a good week. I am still recuperating from helping my mom out last week. Trying to get back to my own routine is very hard or I have just been over tired from being up north. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and comments for my mom. I just want to let you know she is getting a little better each day.

Here are your questions-

1) Is there someone other than a family member you know you can count on?

2) If so are you both there for each other?

3) Do you have a family member that you can count on?

4) Has a family member ever let you down?

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


OrbsCorbs said...

1) Is there someone other than a family member you know you can count on?
You, THB.

2) If so are you both there for each other?
I hope so.

3) Do you have a family member that you can count on?
Yes, my niece.

4) Has a family member ever let you down?

That's fantastic news about your mom, THB. One day at a time. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!!

Anonymous said...

1. Yes, well no, well maybe...I will let you know when such event happens

2. yes no maybe i dont know

3. yes no maybe i should know

4. down up sidewards yep thats family