Friday, May 4, 2018

"Charges to be filed against officer accused in excessive force incident at Park High"

From The Journal

RACINE — Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley is expected to file charges against Racine Police Officer Brinelle Nabors, who is accused of using excessive force against a Park High School student in 2015.
As of Thursday afternoon a criminal complaint had not yet been filed, but Graveley said he has arranged with Patrick Cafferty, Nabors’ defense attorney, to have an initial appearance in Racine County Circuit Court next Thursday.
Graveley said his office was asked to be the special prosecutor in the case, which involved a Racine police officer and occurred in Racine County.
His office received the case Feb. 20, 2017. He said it took over a year because it had to obtain information from civil litigation that was also going on.
“I think you have an obligation to review all evidence,” Graveley said.
The City of Racine last year settled a federal lawsuit filed by the student in 2016 for $400,000. The student alleged that Nabors threw him to the ground, punched him and slammed him against lockers while another officer failed to intervene. The incident reportedly occurred on Nov. 20, 2015.
According to the complaint, officers took the student into custody because they believed a bottle he put in the trash contained a mixture of codeine-based cough syrup, soda and candy. The student and his family maintained the bottle contained juice.
The student faced criminal charges in the case that were subsequently dismissed.
Nabors joined the Racine Police Department in 2012, following in the footsteps of his father, Maurice Nabors. Brinelle Nabors had previously been a student at Park High School and previously worked as a school liaison officer along with his father.

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