Monday, July 23, 2018

"Judge Piontek answers accusations of misconduct"

From The Journal


"RACINE — A Racine County Circuit Court judge who was accused of misconduct admits that he erred, according to records filed this month.

"The Wisconsin Judicial Commission, which oversees the state’s judiciary, accused Judge Michael J. Piontek in June of misconduct for his handling of two cases in 2014.

"The complaint states that the commission found probable cause after Piontek was notified of the allegations and was provided an opportunity to respond. In a document filed July 16, Piontek admitted to the claims laid out by the commission.

"'Judge Piontek acknowledges and regrets his errors with regard to the (cases),' the response states.

"The judge was first elected to the circuit court in 2012 and was re-elected in April. Piontek is defended in the matter by attorney Patrick Cafferty."

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