Saturday, October 20, 2018

City of Racine Attorney's Office

Dear City of Racine Alderpersons,

Wisconsin Watchdog has just declared: (WOW!)

'That's just crazy!' Open government advocates decry Racine city hall secrecy, judge's decision to seal case
For nearly two decades, Sandy Weidner has represented the residents of the sixth district in Racine, Wisconsin, on the city council. It’s a safe bet that she’s never encountered a situation like the one she currently faces. In fact, no one in the city has.
Weidner is facing an unprecedented series of court cases as she fights to retrieve what she believes are public records and fights for her right to discuss the case.
Read the entire story at:
Meanwhile Citizen Harry Wait has filed a Motion to Intervene in the case of Alderperson Sandy Weidner - who is being unjustly and unfairly persecuted by an out of control and potentially malfeasant City Attorney - Scott Letteney - for performing the perfunctory duties of her office.
See the attached Motion for the full details.
It is long past time for the Racine City Attorney's Office to be shook up - every employee FIRED! and a search for truly competent, committed, and progressive leadership be employed.
Tim & Cindy

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