Dear City of Racine Alderpersons - Yet another OUTRAGE! Approved by the Common Council.... Reports have it the Harmons will receive a pittance amount for the wrongful death of their dog while the two law firms representing the plaintiff and the city will cash in on a sweet Sugar coated deal, each netting around $200,000.00 (two hundred thousand dollars each). Estimates exceeding $400.000.00 (four hundred thousand dollars) to settle the claim has been discussed and is in the works. The pitance amount the Harmons will receive will be less than $12,000.00 (twelve thousand dollars) for the wrongful death of their dog, that amount includes pain, suffering, humiliation and civil rights violations they endured. LET'S DO THE MATH +$400,000.00 dollars to the flea bag attorneys for processing paper. - $12,000.00 to the victims of the crime. This is how injustice* is rammed up the ass of citizens in Racine county. We ask the following of City Attorney Scott Letteney; Is this your sick sense of justice, $400,00.00 dollars to the attorneys? From the Racine Journal Times: "It is far better to put this case behind us all, in return for this fair settlement, than to allow the case to be a distraction."...Scott Letteney Let's see how this settlement works out: Approximately 97.5 % of the payout goes to the attorneys and 2.5% goes to the victims of the crime. Letteney has the audacity to call this a fair settlement. You may read more here: One outrage after another! When will it end? Sincerely, Tim & Cindy
sounds about right.