Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Students in 'MAGA' hats mock Native American after rally

January 20, 2019 9:45 AM:

In this Friday, Jan. 18, 2019 image made from video provided by the Survival Media Agency, a teenager wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat, center left, stands in front of an elderly Native American singing and playing a drum in Washington. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington in Kentucky is looking into this and other videos that show youths, possibly from the diocese's all-male Covington Catholic High School, mocking Native Americans at a rally in Washington. (Survival Media Agency via AP)
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — A diocese in Kentucky apologized Saturday after videos emerged showing students from a Catholic boys' high school mocking Native Americans outside the Lincoln Memorial after a rally in Washington.

The Indigenous Peoples March in Washington on Friday coincided with the March for Life, which drew thousands of anti-abortion protesters, including a group from Covington Catholic High School in Park Hills.

Videos circulating online show a youth staring at and standing extremely close to Nathan Phillips, a 64-year-old Native American man singing and playing a drum.

Other students, some wearing Covington clothing and many wearing "Make America Great Again" hats and sweat shirts, surrounded them, chanting, laughing and jeering.

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Look at all the punks mocking this man.  They act exactly the way I remember them acting when I was in Catholic high school.  The shithead with a smile standing so close to the Native American deserves expulsion.  Or maybe a Catholic priest could bugger these boys to shake them up.  Catholics are pigs.

BUMP: January 22,2019 10:41 AM

"Editorial: MAGA-hatted teens, a Native American and the peril of instant judgment"

An editorial from the Chicago Tribune:

"But the reaction turns out to be a cautionary tale about jumping to conclusions. Other videos of the gathering showed the students being subjected to nasty slurs by black protesters known as the Hebrew Israelites; the teens eventually countered with chants. It was Phillips who strode up close to the boy in the MAGA hat, singing and beating a drum. Robby Soave of Reason watched two hours of footage and didn’t hear a single 'build the wall.'"

(1) comment

Choppi Cadence
How do insults by the "Hebrew Israelites" lead these Catholic piglets to taunt and mock Native Americans? Did you see how many students were doing "the tomahawk" during the drumming? They were dancing and taunting a Native American elder because they were insulted by black supremacists? That makes no sense. I went to Catholic high school. The in-crowd was always picking on the out-crowd. The boys were bullies and the priests were molesters. Nothing's changed in 50 years.

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BUMP: January23, 2019 1:30   PM 

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