God- Damned Right I cancelled my Subscription to JT!
And I’m going to dispute the charge…. for lack of service!
Comment: You are right about Jim Spodick, Ken Yorgan, George Meyers, and Ken Lumpkin. This is not a hobby for them as they pretend it to be. It is a job. Who are they working for, and why? Why didn’t anything happen with the lawsuits? Why didn’t anything happen with Dennis Montey’s criminal complaint? Why did Dennis Montey shut down his blog? Why is Dennis Montey so quick to comment on Ricky Jerstad’s facebook page? What group is Dennis a member of? Who is Dennis close family friends with? Who is Jim related to? What did Ken’s parents do? Who is George associated with? How is Ken Lumpkin compromised besides Bingo? Which of them are gay? Which of them are pedophiles? What other officials are gay? Which are pedophiles? What really happened with Dennis Barry? What happened in Krasnodar? Who is being groomed? Who is he so closely linked with? Why are Jim, Ken and George so committed to something that gets 63 views? What have they uncovered in their hundred plus episodes? Why did John Dickert really resign? Where did Dickert really stay on his trip to New York? What happened? Why did Paul Ryan resign? What is Foxconn really for? What is HOT government? Who is Sarah Ferraro? Who made the video for Randy Bryce? Who made the video for Neubauer? What is the origin of the Neubauer name? What was Mayor Pete doing in Racine? Why didn’t Sandy Weidner run a real campaign for mayor? Why did she run a half-assed last munite write-in campaign? Why didn’t Ken Yorgan run for mayor despite running for Congress? What was his objective in running for Congress? What deals did Jim Spodick work on with John Dickert? What happened? What happened to Jim’s family? How are all of these things connected? You know more than most. Do you know who they are working for yet?
Read more: https://arrestrecordsofracinewipublicofficials.wordpress.com/2019/04/14/and-a-big-fck-u-to-jt/
When Da Tribe funds both sides - it becomes let you and him fight.
Da games end when the Federal Reserve, which is neither, collapses.
As I was taught by now deceased Pastor Pete Peters and Richard Kelly Hoskins -
There are enemies in front of me - and behind me - they surround me.
Rams can't be allowed to exist.
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