Friday, May 24, 2019

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I hope you had a good week. Yes I am up early Drew has to be in work early today. Here are your questions.

1) Do you have plans for Memorial Day?

2) Are you going to be cooking out?

3) Are you going to be going to any parades?

4) What is the last Memorial Day Party you remember attending?

Have a Happy Memorial Day and please be safe.


OrbsCorbs said...

1) Do you have plans for Memorial Day?

2) Are you going to be cooking out?
I doubt it.

3) Are you going to be going to any parades?

4) What is the last Memorial Day Party you remember attending?

Thank you Tender Heart Bear for this week's Four for Fridays!

TSE said...

I think question 4 is a bit leading....

Remembering Memorial Day weekend.... LOL!

Anonymous said...

No plans- no pain

cookout cookin cookies!

parades? nah

memorial party? well that would be a memorial