Friday, June 21, 2019

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I hope you have enjoyed your week. I know the weeks seem to be going by quick or it is just me. Here are your questions.

1) What are you looking forward to in the summer?

2) What is the best thing you remember you have done in the summer?

3) Is summer your favorite season?

4) Do you cookout in the summer?

Have a great weekend!


OrbsCorbs said...

1) What are you looking forward to in the summer?
Sunshine, I hope.

2) What is the best thing you remember you have done in the summer?
When I turned 18, my friends took me for a car ride. It was wonderful.

3) Is summer your favorite season?
It's better than winter, but usually spring and fall are also good

4) Do you cookout in the summer?
I used to, but it's problematic where I currently live.

Thank you , Tender Heart Bear, for the great summer questions.

legal stranger said...

1. back of my neck getting dirt and gritty
2. Ohhhhhhh, the memories
3. Yes, well maybe fall is.
4. Yes, and fall, winter, spring

have a great summer irregulars!

OrbsCorbs said...

"back of my neck getting dirt and gritty" would be a great line in a song.