Friday, June 28, 2019

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I hope you had a good week. Yes I am up early today because I have lots of errands to do and I have to take Drew to work. Here are your questions.

1) Do you have plans for the 4th of July?

2) Are you going to see any parades?

3) Are you going to spend the 4th of July with family or friends?

4) Are you planning on cooking you for the 4th of July?

Be safe on the 4th of July but do enjoy yourself!


OrbsCorbs said...

1) Do you have plans for the 4th of July?
Stay home. Last night their was an impromptu fireworks display just east of here. They were great.

2) Are you going to see any parades?
Heck, no.

3) Are you going to spend the 4th of July with family or friends?

4) Are you planning on cooking you for the 4th of July?
Cooking me? Only if it gets that hot outside.

Thank you, Tender Heart Bear, 4 the 4th of July 4 4 Fridays questions. Try saying that 4 times fast. 4 get it! I'm too old 4 this foolishness.

Anonymous said...

1. Racine parade
2. Racine parade
3. Racine parade
4. Racine parade

Be there

OrbsCorbs said...

Been there almost 60 times. The parade is for kids. The show of fake nationalism is almost repulsive to informed adults.

OrbsCorbs said...

Sorry, but Teeters' posts on immigration got me going . . .

Anonymous said...

Dali lama very smart