The always rogue and occasionally imprisoned John McAfee has been dispensing free advice to all who will listen; from his "Mixology 101" series on bartending, to his Central America travel guide, to offering advice for young men, (which includes "stay out of jail as much as possible") - the 73-year-old gun-toting cybersecurity pioneer who parties harder than most 23-year-olds has some advice for surviving the upcoming civil war.
"Arm yourself to the fucking teeth"
Pointing to a political map of the United States ("This is the layout, assuming we're having war"), McAfee suggests that blue states "arm yourselves to the fucking teeth" with 'vastly superior Israeli weaponry.'
To the blue states of Colorado and New Mexico; "I'm sorry, you're surrounded. See if Mexico won't annex you."
To the central-north states, "you're too damn cold, noone wants you," and the Northeast should "just tell them you're part of Canada and they won't know the fucking difference."
To Florida, McAfee suggests "change the state language to Spanish, and when the invaders look for "el baƱo" (the bathroom) - can't find one, they'll go home."
Hateful words on both sides of the gun issue. Is civil war coming? If so, here's my advice to both sides:
How should red states prepare?
To the 'conservatives, the gun owners,' - "you should anticipate that the West Coast is going to arm itself to the fucking teeth with the latest Israeli weapons. I suggest you preempt this by selling them your daisy bb-rifles and tell them they're AR-15's, they won't know the fucking difference."
"Colorado and New Mexico; worthless land - ignore it. See if you can sell it to Mexico," advises McAfee.
"The central north - too damn cold, you don't want that. And the Northeast, it's part of Canada - ignore it."
Finally, "Florida - if you cannot sell it to Cuba, then blow the bridges and stock Piranha in all the swamps, that will keep them busy till the war is over."
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