Friday, December 27, 2019

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I hope you made it through Christmas. We went up north to be with Drew's family and tomorrow is with my family. Here are your questions.

1) Do you have plans for New Years Eve?

2) If you do have plans are you going be with family or friends?

3) Are you going to be traveling to be with family or friends?

4) Have you made your New Years resolution?

Have a great week and Happy New Years!


  1. 1) Do you have plans for New Years Eve?
    Nah, I'm an old man. I'll probably be asleep by 8-9 PM.

    2) If you do have plans are you going be with family or friends?

    3) Are you going to be traveling to be with family or friends?

    4) Have you made your New Years resolution?
    I usually don't make New Year's resolutions, but I'll think about it this year

    Thank you, Tender Heart Bear, for this week's questions. Happy New Year right back at you!

  2. 1. Not as of yet,but things change fast in my world.

    2. Ditto

    3. Ditto

    4. Not as of yet, but things change fast in my world

    Yo Irregulars- have a safe and fun New Year, or as my Vulcan friend would say -
    Live long and prosper!

  3. 1. No plans as of yet
    2. ditto
    3. ditto
    4. I usually don't make New Year's resolutions, but I'll think about it this year
    Thank you, Tender Heart Bear, for this week's questions. Happy New Year right back at you!
