Saturday, June 8, 2019

Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation: Part I

 “There’s something happening here
What it is ain’t exactly clear”
Join me now, if you have the time, as we take a stroll down memory lane to a time nearly four-and-a-half decades ago – a time when America last had uniformed ground troops fighting a sustained and bloody battle to impose, uhmm, ‘democracy’ on a sovereign nation.
It is the first week of August, 1964, and U.S. warships under the command of U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison have allegedly come under attack while patrolling Vietnam’s Tonkin Gulf. This event, subsequently dubbed the ‘Tonkin Gulf Incident,’ will result in the immediate passing by the U.S. Congress of the obviously pre-drafted Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which will, in turn, quickly lead to America’s deep immersion into the bloody Vietnam quagmire. Before it is over, well over fifty thousand American bodies – along with literally millions of Southeast Asian bodies – will litter the battlefields of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

Man eaten by bear after meth overdose

A man whose body was discovered partially eaten by a bear in Great Smoky Mountains National Park last year died of a meth overdose before the bear ever got to him, according to an autopsy released on Monday.

The remains of William Lee Hill Jr., 30, of Louisville, Tenn., were discovered in the national park in September when officials encountered a bear feeding on the body in an area off a trail.

Without knowing the exact cause of death, park officials and wildlife professionals decided to euthanize the bear a few days later for “public safety reasons.”

But on Monday, the Knox County Regional Forensic Center revealed Hill died of “accidental methamphetamine intoxication,” WATE reported.

Hill had a history of drug use, and his body was found near syringes and other drug paraphernalia, according to a copy of the report obtained by the Knoxville News Sentinel.

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I wonder if the bear got off on the meth?  A man-eating bear on speed.  No, thanks.

A veteran died in police custody. His body was returned to his family with some organs missing

Everett Palmer Jr.

(CNN)Two days before he died, Everett Palmer Jr. called his brother, Dwayne, to tell him he was on his way from Delaware to New York to visit him and their sick mother. But first, he said, he wanted to resolve an outstanding DUI warrant from an incident in 2016 in Pennsylvania to make sure his license was valid for the drive to see his family.
The phone call was the last time the family would hear from the 41-year-old US Army veteran and father of two.
On April 9, 2018, two days later, the family was told that Palmer had died in police custody at the York County Prison. Fourteen months later, the Palmers say they still don't know what really happened. But they are suspicious because when Palmer's body was returned to them, his throat, heart and brain were missing.
"This entire case smacks of a cover-up," civil rights attorney Lee Merritt told CNN by phone.

Friday, June 7, 2019

New York doctors shocked by what they find during surgery on brain tumor

Doctors at Mount Sinai in New York, who cut into a 42-year-old woman’s brain last September to remove a suspected malignant tumor, were reportedly baffled when they found a mass resembling a “quail’s egg."

It turned out to be a baby tapeworm.

“It was very shocking,” one of the surgeons told The Washington Post. “We were scratching our heads, surprised at what it looked like.”

After doctors removed the mass from Rachel Palma's brain they cut it open and placed it under a microscope. They realized it was a tapeworm in the larval stage

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Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I hope you enjoyed your week. It has been a busy week for us and it went by really quick. Here are your questions.

1) Have you ever took care a one of your families pets?

2) If you did what kind of pet was it?

3) How long did you have to take care of the pet?

4) Did you enjoy taking care of the pet?

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Madison police officer who strikes teen in video is put on 'restricted duty'

Footage from a home security camera shows Madison police restraining and punching a 17-year-old boy with mental health problems whom they described as exhibiting "threatening behavior."
MADISON — Madison Police Chief Mike Koval said Thursday that the officer seen on video striking a 17-year-old detained in the midst of a mental health crisis will be placed on “restricted duty” and an outside investigation of the incident will be conducted.
Police also released 23 pages of reports on the Monday incident that show the teen was threatening staff at West High School, his foster father, a workman and police and then spit at and struggled with officers for some 20 minutes before they could take him into protective custody — something that reportedly happened only after a sergeant on the scene, Joseph Engler, delivered three blows to the teen’s head.
The teen is under a Chapter 51 mental health commitment, and the foster father and Journey Mental Health Center, which handles Chapter 51 cases in Dane County, had authorized police help in taking him into protective custody, police said.

Read more and see vudeos:

Famous farm investigated for animal abuse caught on video, Jewel-Osco pulls products

FAIR OAKS, Ind. — Retailers began pulling Fairlife products from their shelves Wednesday as police investigated alleged animal abuse after an animal rights group released graphic video showing workers kicking and throwing young calves at an Indiana dairy farm that's a popular destination for school field trips.

Animal Recovery Mission said that an investigator for the Miami-based animal rights group secretly recorded the disturbing footage last year while working for several months at Fair Oaks Farms, which
Food & Wine magazine has called the "Disneyland of agricultural tourism."

The group said that the footage shows the "daily mistreatment of the resident farm animals" at the farm's dairies about 70 miles south of Chicago.

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Our Grandson's Kindergarten Graduation!

Sunday we went up north and on the way we stopped at Horicon Marsh. It was the last day for the auto tour trail because they are repaving it. We did see a lot and another day I will post some pictures.

We spent the night up by Drew's parents because Monday at 6pm was our Grandson's Kindergarten Graduation. We went and had dinner with my son and his family before the graduation and we had a nice time with them. Then at the graduation my older daughter came with her fiance and his twin girls it was so nice to see them while we were up there. The kindergartners sang nine songs and my son was jamming out with them it was funny. The kids did an awesome job singing the songs. Here are some pictures.

YouTube says anti-gay slurs don't break its rules

Journalist Carlos Maza regularly faces abuse online

YouTube is one of many companies that has given its logo a rainbow-themed makeover to show support for LGBT rights - but, underneath the colourful veneer, a row has erupted over how the video-sharing site enforces its own hate-speech policies.

At the centre of the dispute is journalist Carlos Maza, who presents a popular series called Strikethrough for the news site Vox.

He says he has faced persistent abuse from rival video-maker Steven Crowder, who has more than 3.8 million subscribers on YouTube.

Whenever Maza publishes a video for Vox, Crowder will post his own "debunking" video, peppered with insulting language attacking Maza's sexual orientation and ethnicity.

So, last week, Maza posted a video compilation of the abuse.

In the clips, Crowder imitates Maza's accent and calls him, among other things, a "lispy queer", a "gay Vox sprite" and a "gay Mexican".

Maza asked YouTube to step in.

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Women's investment club scammed by longtime treasurer

Bice:Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz lobs f-bomb at critic after Facebook spat

Wisconsin will soon become an island surrounded by legal weed

Dear Madame Zoltar

Unfortunately, Madame Zoltar is nowhere to be found.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The savage president

The God-Emperor is such a ruthless rhetorical savage:
Prince Harry was noticeably absent from the State Banquet staged in honour of Donald Trump, in the wake of alleged comments made about his wife. The Duke of Sussex appeared less than keen to be pictured with the President - who reportedly branded Harry's wife Meghan 'nasty' at the weekend after learning of comments she made about him while she was an actress.
Earlier in the day Harry had chaperoned Mr Trump's daughter, Ivanka, into Buckingham Palace's Picture Gallery for a display of US-themed artefacts.

But the Queen's grandson quickly disappeared into the background and did not follow other members of the Royal Family as they walked round the exhibition with the American leader and his party.
The reason Prince Harry is so furious is that he knows perfectly well what President Trump means when he said that he didn't know Megan Markle "was nasty". He knows the President wasn't referring to any name-calling, but rather, to his wife's former profession that did not involve acting.
You'd think people would have learned to keep their mouths shut about President Trump by now. At least, people with secrets they don't want distributed around the world by the media.


A Better Mount Pleasant Sends:

Grant Hutchinson (CC BY-NC-ND)

Vocal Foxconn Opponent Accuses Mount Pleasant Fire Chief Of Cyberstalking

Grant Hutchinson (CC BY-NC-ND)

 Complaint Sent To Mount Pleasant Police And Fire Commission

By Corrinne Hess
  • Monday, June 3, 2019, 3:35pm
A Mount Pleasant resident who has been a vocal opponent of the Foxconn development has filed a complaint against the village’s fire chief alleging ongoing cyberstalking.
Kelly Gallaher is requesting a formal investigation by the Mount Pleasant Police and Fire Commission into a website she said was created in 2017 by the village fire chief, Robert Stedman.
Gallaher is one of the creators of the Facebook page, A Better Mt. Pleasant — which is described as a group "working to bring honest and frank discussions about Mount Pleasant politics, elected officials and current events."
She alleges Stedman created a mock website, "Let’s Make A Better Mt. Pleasant," on May 11, 2017, for the sole purpose to harass her and Village Trustee Gary Feest and former trustees Jon Hansen and Ken Otwaska. The site has 58 comments, which Gallaher said are demeaning and verbally abusive.
"During the eight months the website, 'Let’s Make A Better Mt. Pleasant,' was most active, posts became increasingly obsessive and hostile, especially toward me," Gallaher’s complaint states. "I became frightened the author would eventually come to my house and attempt to harm me or a member of my family."
Gallaher said she was unable to determine the author of the website until a glitch revealed "fchief1951" as the creator. Stedman was born in 1951. He also maintains Yahoo, Flickr and WordPress accounts using "fchief," according to the complaint.
Stedman did not immediately return requests for comment. Mount Pleasant Village Administrator Maureen Murphy said she could not comment on the pending matter.
"By state statute, personnel decisions regarding the fire chief are the exclusive jurisdiction of the Mount Pleasant Police and Fire Commission," Murphy said.
The last post on the website is dated Jan. 31. It's entitled "It’s Called Environmental Control," and makes reference to Gallaher’s Facebook page, A Better Mount Pleasant.
If you don’t like a Movie then don’t go to the Movie!
If you don’t like a song on the Radio then don’t listen to it.
If you don’t like the Liberal Garbage that comes out of the mouths of most Liberal News Media then don’t listen to CNN, MSNBC, NPR, etc. or read the “Hate Facebook Page Make A Better Mt. Pleasant”
If you don’t like this web site then don’t visit it as no one will know! Then the Board members at all the meetings you attend won’t have to listen to you complain!
Gallaher’s spokeswoman Heather Asiyanbi, said she believes Gallaher was targeted because she wants to hold public officials accountable.
"If they make a decision and it smells bad, or doesn’t smell right, she asks questions," Asiyanbi said. "We have seen time and again leadership in Mount Pleasant, some leaders, not all, don’t like to be questioned."
Gallaher is prepared to take her complaint further than the police and fire commission and has hired an attorney, Asiyanbi said.
"She knows this could be an uphill battle," Asiyanbi said. "She’s hoping the people on the police and fire commission can see there is a problem and at least investigate it. We’re hoping for a punishment that fits the crime, up to and including termination."


Monday, June 3, 2019

Sunday, June 2, 2019

The genuine racists

"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail."
- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin

"Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage."
- Ben Shapiro

"One Jewish Life Is Worth More Than 10,000 non-Jews."
- Birthright staffer, Haaretz

"A thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail."

- Rabbi Dov Lior, Chairman of the Jewish Rabbinical Council

"It is important to make one thing clear – the life of one yeshiva boy is worth more than the lives of 1,000 Arabs."
- Sephardi chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu

"It should be clear to us that there is no room for two peoples in this country." -Yossef Weitz
"The power of the administration to exile anyone is unlimited ... it is not necessary to commit any type of infraction, a decision made in some office is sufficient."
-Dov Joseph, Israeli Minister of Justice

"Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel."
- Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

Keep these quotes in mind when you hear Jews crying about people criticizing and feeling less than enthusiastic about them. And do share with me, if you think you can, any race or religion that is more observably and demonstrably racist than the Jews. And as far as their playing the eternal victim goes, by my count, the Jews are among the six most genocidal nations in human history, with the Mongols leading the list.

These are historical facts. Deny them if you like, but delusion is never a safe refuge from reality for long.

Now, everyone has to live somewhere and the establishment of the state of Israel is also a fact. Which is precisely why I support Israel and the nationalist Israeli parties. I'll consider crying about the Palestinians after all the surviving American Indian tribes get their original lands back from the U.S. government as per the original treaties. The point of quoting these individuals is not to claim that Jews are uniquely bad, only that there is absolutely no basis for pretending, as Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, and other deceitful Neo-Palestinians do, that the Jewish people are a uniquely moral people, a uniquely victimized people, or even an example for any other nation on Earth.


Stingl: Woman, 35 and single, puts her finalist sperm donors up for a vote at a party

There are women who quietly and privately seek out a sperm donor in the hope of becoming a mother.
Then there is Lisa Proeber, 35 and single, who threw a bawdy "Sperm Party" on Saturday and invited the people she knows and loves to rank the three donor finalists.
No, these men were not there flexing and schmoozing in person. Just their profiles: Eric, who has dimples and plays drums and studied exercise science in college; Raj, who boasts excellent teeth, has traveled to eight countries and hopes to cure cancer; and Killian, who is 6-foot-5, skilled in math and physical therapy, and striving to live in the moment.
Lisa already made her pick and, in fact, was inseminated by syringe with the chosen sperm on Friday. But she wanted to bring her friends in on the process and guess which guy she selected.
"Because I'm an extroverted extrovert and I'm in sales and I love people and entertaining, I wanted to throw a party to celebrate it and have fun with it and make my community part of the decision," she told me.
She also feels it's important to talk openly about important life crossroads like this. Families come in all shapes, and there's no shame in being a single adult who wants to be a parent, even if it takes a nudge from science.

Disgraced Son of Kurt lWahlen

The disgraced Son of former RPD Chief of Police Kurt Wahlen. Kurt 
Wahlen & Co. conspired to cheat a Person of Color out of his property. 
He and John Dickert succeed. Kurt Wahlen & Co. 
were admonished by both Circuit Court & Court of Appeals for stealing 
the property of a Person of Color. Kurt Wahlen avoided prison time for 
his crimes..... Like Father - Like Son.