Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Is Marijuana an ‘Essential’ Like Milk or Bread? Some States Say Yes

From The Nrw York Times.com:

Credit...Jeff Chiu/Associated Press

  • March 24, 2020Updated 8:44 a.m. ET

With the coronavirus pandemic spreading rapidly across the country, millions of Americans are being told by state and county officials to take refuge at home, and only venture out to get things they really need. Groceries, naturally. Prescription drugs, of course. Gas for the car. Urgent medical care.

And in many places, marijuana makes the list.

Over the past week, more than a dozen states have agreed that while “nonessential” stores had to close, pot shops and medical marijuana dispensaries could remain open —  official recognition that for some Americans, cannabis is as necessary as milk and bread.

In most cases, the marijuana businesses must, like restaurants, limit themselves to taking orders for delivery or curbside pickup.

As Americans have raced in recent weeks to stock up on supplies like toilet paper, canned goods and hand sanitizer, many who live in states where marijuana has been legalized — including California, Oregon and Michigan — also rushed to buy enough cannabis products to last them through weeks, if not months, of hunkering down at home.

Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/24/us/coronavirus-weed-marijuana.html

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