Thursday, April 23, 2020

Foxconn donates 100,000 masks made in Mount Pleasant

From JSOnline:

, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

It's not TVs, tablets, smartphones or some other kind of device, but the first product manufactured by the Foxconn Technology Group in Wisconsin is procedural masks. 
During Gov. Tony Evers' coronavirus update on Thursday he thanked several companies that have contributed to the fight against the coronavirus and said Foxconn has donated 100,000 masks. 
Foxconn board member and vice chairman Jay Lee said in a statement the masks were manufactured at its facility in Mount Pleasant.
“Foxconn thanks frontline workers in the fight against COVID-19, working tirelessly to care for the well-being of others," Lee said. "We will continue to produce tens of thousands of procedural masks for general use by medical professionals, law enforcement, pharmacists, and caregivers while expanding our efforts towards other ways to help.” 
The company has been producing the masks under the brand Sharp, which is owned by Foxconn.
Foxconn is also in the process of manufacturing ventilators through a partnership with Medtronic.

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