Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Fuk YA! An Ode to Sammy Hager! An American Hero!

In an interview with Rolling Stone as part of a piece where spoke to
14 artists about how they’re dealing with the pandemic, and the former
Van Halen singer didn’t hold back.

“I’ll be comfortable playing a show before there’s a vaccine, if it’s
declining and seems to be going away. I’m going to make a radical
statement here. This is hard to say without stirring somebody up, but
truthfully, I’d rather personally get sick and even die, if that’s
what it takes,” Hagar said.

He went on to say that he’s willing to pay the ultimate price in order
to help save the economy if that’s what it takes.

“I would rather see everyone go back to work. If some of us have to
sacrifice on that, OK. I will die for my children and my grandchildren
to have a life anywhere close to the life that I had in this wonderful
country. That’s just the way that I feel about it.”

And he concluded: “But there may be a time where we have to sacrifice.
I mean, how many people die on the Earth every day? I have no idea.
I’m sorry to say it, but we all gotta die, man.”

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