Saturday, June 20, 2020

RIP Frank Lamping

From Racine County Corruption:

Frank Lamping

Union Grove has lost a pillar within the community with
today's passing of Frank Lamping.

Frank had battled cancer for the last several years while maintaining an active schedule of community service.

We featured Frank twice in 2016 and 2017 as a truly exceptional individual within our community.
He was the 19th. inductee into the Green Bay Packer's 
FAN Hall of fame
You may read about him here:

Frank embodied public service to an extreme
 - Pro Bono Publico -
freely sharing his time for the advancement and betterment 
of our community.
Franks was active in Lions Club, Relay for Life, History Seekers and several more local organizations.

We had the privilege to visit with Frank on Tuesday.
He was bed ridden but awake and cognizant of his surroundings, cancer had been sucking the life out of him.
But his spirit was alive and well.
When asked who will be filling his shoes, he pointed his finger at me, I said no no no, nobody can replace you.

Upon leaving, Frank mustered up the strength  to say 
"thank you".... 

Frank was Union Grove's very own "George Bailey" of the movie
"It's a Wonderful Life".
 Always giving to the community, focused on faith, family and friends rather than the other distractions of life.

THANK YOU....... 
Frank Lamping for your years of service and dedication to make our community a better place to live.


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