Thursday, July 2, 2020

Paris Jackson's upcoming portrayal of Jesus sparks backlash; thousands sign petitions objecting

Paris Jackson
Hundreds of thousands of people aren't fans of Paris Jackson playing Jesus. 
More than 274,000 people have signed a petition to prevent the distribution of the indie film "Habit," which critics say is "Christianophobic garbage."
"A new blasphemous Hollywood film is predicted to come out soon depicting Jesus as a lesbian woman," reads the petition, which was created one week ago. 
The 22-year-old daughter of Michael Jackson was tapped to play the role of Jesus, alongside Bella Throne and Gavin Rossdale. A press release, according to Deadline and Entertainment Tonight, said "Habit" will follow "a street smart, party girl with a Jesus fetish (who) gets mixed up in a violent drug deal and finds a possible way out; by masquerading as a nun."

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