Friday, July 24, 2020

Racine automated public transit trial advances, 'Black Humanity Now' sign approved

From The Journal

Christina Lieffring

In this computer-generated image, Racine Artist Scott Terry shares what he hopes to have painted on Wisconsin Avenue in Downtown Racine: the words "BLACK HUMANITY NOW." The Racine City Council on Tuesday approved the plan. 

RACINE — On Tuesday night, the City Council approved a city-wide mask ordinance that goes into effect Monday and mandates masks in most businesses and in public places, with limited exceptions. But that’s not all.
The City Council also approved:
  • A street mural proposed by Scott Terry that would read, “BLACK HUMANITY NOW” on Wisconsin Avenue between the Law Enforcement Center and the Racine County Courthouse.
  • The appointment of Assistance Finance Director Kathleen Fischer as interim City Administrator through Jan. 31, 2021.
  • An advisory referendum for the Nov. 3 election asking if voters support a nonpartisan procedure for re-drawing legislative and congressional district maps.
  • A collaboration with the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Gateway Technical College to develop electric, automated public transit.
  • A contract with RITE Academy for anti-bias training with the Racine Police Department.

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